[부음]재미한국연화인협회 제9대 회장을 지낸 강문(사진, 본명 오진희)여사 별세 > 통일게시판

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[부음]재미한국연화인협회 제9대 회장을 지낸 강문(사진, 본명 오진희)여사 별세

페이지 정보

작성자 한민족
댓글 1건 조회 9,409회 작성일 12-09-14 13:23


최종 편집 시간 2012.09.15 11:05:12
남북공동선언 관철하여 조국통일 이룩하자!!!
전체기사 | 정치 | 경제 | 사회,문화 | 통일 | 국제 | 노동,농민 | 기타

[부음]강문 재미한국영화인협회 9대회장 별세, 17일 오후2시 장례식

[부음]강문 재미한국영화인협회 9대회장 별세, 17일 오후2시 장례식

재미한국연화인협회 제9대 회장을 지낸 강문(사진, 본명 오진희)씨가 지난 9월 12일 LA에서 별세했다.
향년 69세. 고 강문 회장의 장례식은 17일(월) 오후 2시 할리우드 포레스트 런 채플 오브 더 힐스에서
거행된다. 유족으로는 1남(홍민철=Philip Hong)과 2녀를 남겼다.

[부음]강문 재미한국영화인협회 9대회장 별세,

17일 오후2시 헐리우드 포리스트론 교회당서 장례식

재미한국연화인협회 제9대 회장을 지낸 강문(사진, 본명 오진희)씨가 지난 9월 12일 LA에서 별세했다. 향년 69세.

고 강문 씨의 장례식은 17일(월) 오후 2시 할리우드 포레스트 런 채플 오브 더 힐스에서 거행된다. 유족으로는 1남(홍민철=Philip Hong)과 2녀를 남겼다.

*생전의 강문 회장
서울에서 출생한 강 씨는 60년대 멜러물(대표작 '사랑이 메아리칠 때') 40여편에 출연해 두각을 나타냈으며, 국내 영화계 은퇴와 함께 70년대 뉴욕으로 1976년 LA로 이주했다.

당시 한국TV 방송인으로 활동 했으며 커뮤니티 활동으로는 2002년에 재미한국영화인협회장에 선출되어 후진양성과 본국 영화계와 교류에 힘썼다.

또한 그녀는 1982년에 시집을 출간하는 등 왕성한 창작활동을 펼첬으며, 여성골프클럽도 창단하고, 라이오네스 클럽 회장도 역임 했으며 남가주한국학원 학부모회장과 LA평통위원으로도 활약 했다. 한때 그녀는 코리아타운에서 ‘문 세도우’라는 미용실도 운영했다.

문의: 818-625-5038(오미나)

KANG MOON(1960s Actress) Passes Away :

Funeral Services will be held on Monday, 9/17, @ 2:00PM at the following address:

Chapel of the Hills
Forest Lawn Memorial Park
6300 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles CA 90068

*Family Contact Phone: (213)818-625-5038

[Vital Details]:

dob - january 4, 1943

place of birth - seoul, korea

passed away peacefully on 9/12/2012 in los angeles surrounded by the people she loved most in the life, her children

she is survived by her daughters sonya and joan and son phil

Other biographical details:

fifth youngest of six siblings

Family was evacuated and taken south to the countryside

after the Korean war, the family ended up in a small town north of seoul

She enjoyed ballet and being on the swim team. she also worked at the school radio station and acted in the school plays.

went on to college where she enrolled in horticulture, but found it boring and continued to act in school productions

after a few years, she quit college and moved to seoul where her older sister lived to pursue her acting career

soon she was casted in a television series that lasted two years

she was twenty two

blank.gif The late Kang Moon(Oh Jin Hui) she went on to do 40 films that ranged from love stories, history dramas and comedies

she acted for almost seven years between 1961-1968

the last film she made took her around the world from paris, denmark, munich, copenhagen and finally new york where she met our father who was living there at the time

they were introduced by a friend and he toured her around the city

within a month of their first meeting, they were engaged

they were married in seoul where they lived for less than a year

her father in law urged them to move to new york to help manage his business

they moved first to racine, wisconsin where her sister lived and where their first child was born

soon after, they settled in new york where they had two more children

moved to los angeles in 1976

she became a broadcaster for a korean television new show produced by her father in law for several years

she was pta president of the korean school of southern california for three years

she started the korean ladies golf club where women met once a week to learn how to play golf and eventually held tournaments at course around the city

she also was chairperson of the lioness club, a charitable organization, and member for several years

she wrote a book of poetry that was published in 1982

she owned a boutique called moon shadow in koreatown in the mid 80's

went to real estate school and got her license in 1986

she divorced in 1987

had success as a real estate agent for the next few years

was diagnosed with cancer in 1992

has always believed with all her achievements in her life, her biggest success was as a mother.


*관련 보도자료 보기



[출처 : 민족통신 종합 2012-09-15]




한민족님의 댓글

한민족 작성일

Funeral Services will be held on Monday, 9/17, @ 2:00PM at the following address:

    Chapel of the Hills
    Forest Lawn Memorial Park
    6300 Forest Lawn Drive
    Los Angeles CA 90068

*Family Contact Phone: (213)818-625-5038

Vital Details:

notes that may be useful...

dob - january 4, 1943

place of birth - seoul, korea

passed away peacefully on 9/12/2012 in los angeles surrounded by the people she loved most in the life, her children

she is survived by her daughters sonya and joan and son phil

Other biographical details:

fifth youngest of six siblings

family was evacuated and taken south to the countryside

after the war, the family ended up in a small town north of seoul

she enjoyed ballet and being on the swim team.  she also worked at the school radio station and acted in the school plays

went on to college where she enrolled in horticulture, but found it boring and continued to act in school productions

after a few years, she quit college and moved to seoul where her older sister lived to pursue her acting career

soon she was casted in a television series that lasted two years

she was twenty two

she went on to do 40 films that ranged from love stories, history dramas and comedies

she acted for almost seven years between 1961-1968

the last film she made took her around the world from paris, denmark, munich, copenhagen and finally new york where she met our father who was living there at the time

they were introduced by a friend and he toured her around the city

within a month of their first meeting, they were engaged

they were married in seoul where they lived for less than a year

her father in law urged them to move to new york to help manage his business

they moved first to racine, wisconsin where her sister lived and where their first child was born

soon after, they settled in new york where they had two more children

moved to los angeles in 1976

she became a broadcaster for a korean television new show produced by her father in law for several years

she was pta president of the korean school of southern california for three years

she started the korean ladies golf club where women met once a week to learn how to play golf and eventually held tournaments at course around the city

she also was chairperson of the lioness club, a charitable organization, and member for several years

she wrote a book of poetry that was published in 1982

she owned a boutique called moon shadow in koreatown in the mid 80's

went to real estate school and got her license in 1986

she divorced in 1987

had success as a real estate agent for the next few years

was diagnosed with cancer in 1992

has always believed with all her achievements in her life, her biggest success was as a mother

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