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우체국의 토요일 휴무에 반대하는 버니 샌더스

페이지 정보

작성자 시민
댓글 1건 조회 2,360회 작성일 13-02-06 12:24


버니 샌더스 상원의원의 연방우체국 토요일 휴무에 결사적으로 반대하는 글입니다.
경쟁하는 민영으로 운영하는 회사들이 서비스하지 않는 것을 지켜나가는 것이
우체국이 살아남는 길이고, 수입과 상관없이 서비스를 유지할 수 있는
길이라는 것이군요.

Bernie Sanders

10:15 AM  -  Public
Sanders to Fight for Real Postal Reform:

Sen. Bernie Sanders said today he will oppose a U.S. Postal Service plan to end Saturday mail delivery. “The postmaster general cannot save the Postal Service by ending one of its major competitive advantages.  Cutting six-day delivery is not a viable plan for the future.  It will lead to a death spiral that will harm rural America while doing very little to improve the financial condition of the Postal Service,” Sanders said. “Providing fewer services and less quality will cause more customers to seek other options.  Rural Americans, businesses, senior citizens and veterans will be hurt by ending Saturday mail,” Sanders added. 

The House last year refused to consider a Senate-passed postal reform bill that Sanders helped draft.

The Senate measure to modernize the Postal Service would have changed a 2006 congressional requirement that the mail service pre-fund 75 years’ worth of future retiree health benefits over a 10-year period. That pre-funding requirement is responsible for about 80 percent of the Postal Service’s financial losses since 2007. “No other government agency, no other corporation in America is burdened with this mandate. This mandate must be lifted,” Sanders said.

Current federal law makes it illegal to end Saturday mail delivery. The Senate-passed bill would have reinforced the ban for two more years. 

“It is time for Republican leadership in the House to work with the Senate to reform the Postal Service in a way that will not harm rural America and allows the Postal Service to adjust to the digital age without ending Saturday mail delivery,” Sanders said.




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