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지구촌 20개국 530명, 한미군사훈련 중단촉구 긴급성명

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작성자 한민족
댓글 1건 조회 20,342회 작성일 13-03-06 16:53


       지구촌 20개국 530명, 한미군사훈련 중단촉구 긴급성명

[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 손세영 편집위원]
지구촌 20여개 나라에 거주하는 평화애호 시민단체들 회원들과 개인들 530명, 53개 단체는 지난 4일 최근 코리아반도에서 전개되는 이른바 한미합동군사훈련의 중단을 촉구하는 한편 평화협상을 진행하라고 요청하는 공동성명문(영문)을 발표해 관심을 집중시키고 있다. 여기에 참여한 단체들과 개인들은 미국을 포함하여 영국, 프랑스, 일본, 필리핀, 호주 등이다. 

이 성명은 코리아전쟁은 아직 끝나지 않았다고 지적하고 매년 3월에 실시하는 키리졸브 독수리 훈련과 8월의 을지 프리덤 가디언 훈련이 한반도의 위험한 긴장상태를 더욱 고조시키는 원인이 되고 있다고 우려하는 한편 “한미 양국은 이러한 소모적이고 도발적인 한미연합 전쟁연습을 즉각 중단하고, 현재의 코리아반도의  긴장상태를 완화하기 위해 적극적인 조치를 취하라”고 촉구했다.

성명은 이어  “오바마 행정부가 아시아 태평양지역에서 분쟁을 외교적이고 평화적으로 해결하고, 중국, 북측, 러시아를 포함한 지역의 모든 국가들과 협력을 추구할 것”을 요청하며 코리아 반도는 하루 속히 60주년을 맞는 정전협정을 평화협정으로 전환하여 코리아 형제자매들이 코리아반도의 평화원년을 만들어 가자고 호소했다. 

이번 성명은 미국에 거주하는 평화운동가들이 만든 ‘아시아태평양지역의 평화와 비무장화를 위한 네트워크(아태평화넷; The Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific)’가 긴급 제안하여 초안되었다. 이 단체는 지난 해  하와이, 괌, 일본, 한국, 필리핀을 비롯한 아시아 태평양 지역의 미군기지문제에 관심을 기울여 온 미국내 평화운동가들이 최근 오바마행정부가 ‘아시아로의 중심축 이동 전략(Pivot to Asia)’을 선언하며, 아태지역의 군사력을 더욱 강화하는 것에 대응하기 위해 조직된 모임이다. 

이번 긴급성명에는 1891년에 설립, 세계에서 가장 오래된 평화운동단체이며 스위스 제네바에 본부를 둔 노벨 평화상 수상단체 ‘국제평화국(International Peace Bureau)’, 전세계에서 평화의 상징으로 쓰이는 ‘평화 로고(peace symbol)’를 처음 도안해 전파한 영국의 반핵평화운동단체 ‘핵무장반대운동(Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)’, 115개 스웨덴 평화운동단체의 연대체인 ‘스웨덴평화협의회 Swedish Peace Council)’ 등 전세계에 널리 알려진 평화운동단체들이 참여했다. 

미국에서는 평화군축 시민운동단체인 ‘평화행동(Peace Action)’, 여성 반전평화단체 ‘코드핑크(CODEPINK)’, 천주교 국제평화운동체 ‘팍스 크리스티(Pax Christi, 그리스도의 평화)’의 미국위원회, ‘평화재향군인회(Veterans For Peace)’ 등 미국내 대표적인 평화운동단체들이 성명에 참여했고, 국제사회에서는  쇼지 사와다(원수폭금지일본협의회 대표이사), 캐롤라이나 아라울로(필리핀신애국동맹-바이얀 대표), 조셉 거슨(노벨 평화상 수상단체 미국 친우 봉사회 평화경제안전프로그램 국장), 존 페퍼(미국 외교정책포커스 소장), 제임스 윈클러(연합감리교회 총회 교회와 사회부 총무) 등 널리 알려진 국제평화 활동가들이 참여했습니다.

그리고 성명에는 리아 볼저(전 미국 해군 중령, 평화재향군인회), 피터 샤(한국전쟁 참전 군인, 평화재향군인회), 앤 라이트(전 미국 육군 대령) 등 미국 재향군인들도 참여했고, 참가자 거주 국가들은 미국, 캐나다, 몽고, 말레이지아, 가나, 스위스, 영국, 스웨덴, 러시아, 호주, 필리핀, 일본, 방글라데시, 멕시코, 프랑스, 싱가포르, 뉴질랜드, 볼리비아, 아일랜드, 한국 등 20개 나라이다. 

이 성명에는 남부조국에는 한국진보연대, 전농, 전빈련, 한국청년연대, 민가협, 평통사 등 17개 단체가 참여하고, 개별 참가자로는 통합진보당의 이정희 대표와 민병렬, 안동섭, 유선희, 김승교 최고위원 등이 참여했다.



Stop War Games, Start Peace Talks

Statement Opposing U.S.-South Korea Joint Military Exercises Key Resolve Foal Eagle

March 4, 2013

The Korean War, known in the United States as “The Forgotten War,” has never ended. Every year, the United States stages a series of massive joint war games with its ally, South Korea (ROK). These coordinated exercises are both virtual and real. Among other things, they practice live fire drills and simulate the invasion of North Korea—including first-strike options.

While we - peace, human rights, faith-based, environmental, and Korean solidarity activists – are deeply concerned about North Korea’s third nuclear weapons test, we also oppose the U.S.-ROK joint war games as adding to the dangerous cycle of escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula. North Korea views these war games as an act of provocation and threat of invasion like that which we have witnessed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya and routinely condemns these maneuvers as aimed at “bring[ing] down the DPRK by force” and forcing it to “bolster up the war deterrent physically.” South Korean activists also decry the role of these war games in the hostile perpetuation of the division of the Korean peninsula and are often persecuted for their protests under South Korea’s draconian National Security Law.

The U.S.-ROK “Key Resolve” and “Foal Eagle” annual war games, usually staged in March, and “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” in August, typically last for months and involve tens of thousands of U.S. troops stationed in South Korea and deployed from the United States, as well as hundreds of thousands of their ROK counterparts. U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and Space Command forces will participate in these exercises and practice scenarios including the removal of North Korea’s leadership, occupation of Pyeongyang, and reunification of the peninsula under U.S. and South Korean control.

In South Korea, peace and reunification groups have long opposed these war games. They have called for peninsula-wide demilitarization entailing the eventual removal of U.S. troops. As one organization puts it, “Unless and until US forces are completely and permanently withdrawn from South Korea, it will be impossible to establish peace on the Korean peninsula.”

We call upon the U.S. and South Korean governments to stop the costly and provocative war games and take proactive steps to deescalate the current tensions on the Korean peninsula.

The Perils of the U.S. Pivot

In the past five years, hard-won efforts by the Korean people to ease North-South tensions have been reversed. Through its massive military buildup across the region, the United States has amplified regional tensions. Recent years have been witness to North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests, increasing nationalism and militarism in Japan (the world's sixth greatest military spender), and a host of increasingly militarized territorial disputes. The global Cold War may have ended 20 years ago, but as the recent round of U.S.-led sanctions on the DPRK and threat of a third DPRK nuclear weapons “test” illustrate, the anachronism remains alive and well on the Korean peninsula.

Crisis on the Korean peninsula furnishes a rationale for U.S. militarization of the region, and the Pentagon has committed to deploy 60% of its air and naval forces to Asia and the Pacific to reinforce its air sea battle doctrine. Announced as the “pivot” of U.S. military resources to Asia and the Pacific, President Obama’s policy, which necessitates more training areas, runways, ports of call, and barracks for the massive shift of U.S. military forces, disregards the impact of militarization on the lives of ordinary people in the region.

The disastrous ecological and human costs of this "pivot" are acutely apparent in the current construction of a naval base on Jeju, an "island of peace" in South Korea known for having the planet's densest concentration of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Once celebrated for its pristine beauty and sea-based culture, Gangjeong, a 450-year-old fishing and farming village is being torn to shreds by the South Korean government in collaboration with the United States, which can freely use any ROK military installation. Base construction crews are dredging acres of world-class, bio-diverse coral habitats and covering them with concrete. The obliteration of these coastal ecosystems also destroys the millennia-old livelihoods of the villagers, 94% of whom voted against the base in a local referendum. Gangjeong villagers are watching their heritage, economy, vibrant local culture, spiritual center, and very core of their identity collapse into rubble.

This same multi-facted people’s struggle is being played out in many places across the Asia-Pacific. Within President Obama’s “pivot” policy, U.S. bases in South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, Hawaii, and Guam are ever more important. Moreover, his administration has been pressing hard to open up previously closed U.S. bases in geostrategically vital nations such as Vietnam and the Philippines.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the July 27, 1953 Armistice Agreement that brought the combat phase of the Korean War to a temporary halt but did not end the war. The Armistice Agreement stipulated that a peace agreement be realized within three months and that negotiations take place for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Korea. Over the past several decades, North Korea, often portrayed in mainstream media as an irrational rogue state, has repeatedly requested peace negotiations with the United States. Yet today, we station nearly 30,000 military personnel and operate over 40 military bases on the Korean peninsula. We have spent the past 60 years living not in a post-war era, but under a ceasefire whose consequences are borne most acutely by the Korean people. On this anniversary of the irresolution of the Korean War, the longest conflict the United States has been involved in, we as human rights, Korean solidarity, faith-based, peace, and environmental organizations call for attention to the human and ecological costs of permanent war as the modus vivendi of U.S.-Korean relations. Efforts that promote increased militarization and conflict and the destruction of the rich biodiversity in Korea are immoral and go against universally shared values of building peace, caring for Earth, and respecting the human dignity and worth of every person.

Resolution for Peace

We, the undersigned peace, human rights, faith-based, environmental, and Korean solidarity activists, call upon the U.S.-ROK governments to cancel their dangerous and costly war games against North Korea.

We strongly urge the United States to turn to diplomacy for common and human security rather than militarization, which will only undermine regional and U.S. security. We further request that the Obama administration focus its strategic shift to the Asia region on finding diplomatic and peaceful solutions to conflict, and building cooperation with all nations in the region, including China, DPRK, and Russia.

On this anniversary of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice Agreement, which several decades ago called for a peaceful resolution to the Korean War, we join with our peace-minded brothers and sisters in Korea and call on the Obama administration to deescalate the current tensions and do its part in realizing “Year One of Peace” on the Korean Peninsula.

Statement Initiated by the Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific

Christine Ahn, Gretchen Alther, Rev. Levi Bautista, Jackie Cabasso, Herbert Docena, John Feffer, Bruce Gagnon, Joseph Gerson, Subrata Goshoroy, Mark Harrison, Christine Hong, Kyle Kajihiro, Peter Kuznick, Hyun Lee, Ramsay Liem, Andrew Lichterman, John Lindsay-Poland, Ngo Vinh Long, Stephen McNeil, Nguyet Nguyen, Satoko Norimatsu, Koohan Paik, Mike Prokosh, Juyeon JC Rhee, Arnie Sakai, Tim Shorrock, Alice Slater, David Vine, Sofia Wolman, Kevin Martin
The Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific is comprised of individuals and organizations concerned about and working for peace and demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific on a comprehensive basis. For more information see: www.asiapacificinitiative.org.

Endorsed by:

Organizations (U.S.)

- Alliance of Scholars Concerned about Korea (ASCK)
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee, California
- CODEPINK State of Maine
- DMZ-Hawai'i, Aloha Aina, Honolulu, Hawai’I
- Eclipse Rising, Bay Area, California
- Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
- Grandmothers for Peace-Twin Cities, Minnesota
- Granny Peace Brigade, New York, New York
- Hawai'i Peace and Justice, Honolulu, Hawai’i
- Interfaith Peacemakers of Edina, Minnesota
- Maine Campaign to Bring Our War $$ Home
- Maine Green Party
- Montrose Peace Vigil, Montrose, California
- National Campaign to End the Korean War, United States
- Network of Politicized Adoptees, Minnesota
- Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, New York, New York
- Occupy Damsels in Distress, Palm Springs, California
- Pax Christi Florida
- Pax Christi Long Island, New York
- Peace Action Maine
- Peace Action, Silver Spring, Maryland
- Presentation Sisters Social Justice Team, Aberdeen, South Dakota
- Sahngnoksoo, Seattle, Washington
- Stop the War Machine, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Veterans For Peace, Korea Peace Campaign, United States
- Women Against Military Madness, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Peninsula Chapter, California

Organizations (Non-U.S.)

- 21st Century Korean University Students Alliance, South Korea
- Buddhist Peace Solidarity, South Korea
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, Canada
- Central Committee for National Autonomy, Peace, and Reunification, South Korea
- Centre for Human Rights and Development, Mongolia
- Community Action Network, Malaysia
- Dignity International, Malaysia
- Food Coalition, Mongolia
- Green Earth Organization, Ghana
- International Peace Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland
- Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements, South Korea
- Korean Peasant’s League, South Korea
- Korean Poor People’s Alliance, South Korea
- Korean Women’s Peasants Association, South Korea
- Korean Youth Solidarity, South Korea
- Minkahyup, South Korea
- National Committee of Democratic Workers, South Korea
- Oxford Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Peasant’s Pharmacy, South Korea
- Reunification Agora, South Korea
- Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK), South Korea
- Southern Headquarters of the Pan Korean Alliance for Reunification, South Korea
- Support Committee for Prisoners of Conscience, South Korea
- Swedish Peace Council
- Women's Global Solidarity Action Network, South Korea
- Woori Madang, South Korea

Individuals with Organizational/Professional Affiliation (U.S.)

- Christine Ahn, Korea Policy Institute and Global Fund for Women, Oakland, California
- Peggy Akers, Nurse practitioner, Veterans For Peace, Portland, Maine
- Gérard Angé, President CEO, G.A.P. International Satellite Broadcasting Inc., Healdsburg, California
- Dennis Apel, Guadalupe Catholic Worker, Guadalupe, California
- Ken Ashe, Veterans for Peace, Marshall, North Carolina
- Marcus Atkinson, Footprints for Peace, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Ellen E Barfield, Veterans For Peace, Baltimore, Maryland
- Virginia Baron, Guilford Peace Alliance, Guilford, Connecticut
- Roy Birchard, Fellowship of Reconciliation, San Francisco, California
- Leah Bolger, Retired Commander, U.S. Navy, Veterans For Peace, Corvallis, Oregon
- Karen Boyer, CodePink Portland, Oregon
- Ken Kilnam Roh, Minjok-Tongshin, Los Angeles, California
- Charles K Brown III, Brunswick Religious Society of Friends, Brunswick, Maine
- Scott Camil, President VFP Chapter 14, Gainesville, Florida
- Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN, Executive Director, Pax Christi USA, Washington, DC
- Sue Chase, Associate member Veterans For Peace, Batesville, Virginia
- John B. Cobb, Jr., Center for Process Studies, Claremont, California
- Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa, The Nuclear Resister, Tucson, Arizona
- Judy Collins, Vine & Fig Tree Community, Grandmother for Peace, Lanett, Alabama
- Anita Coolidge, Americans for Department of Peace, Cardiff, California
- Rev. William Coop, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Brunswick, Maine
- Georgiann Cooper, PeaceWorks, Freeport, Maine
- Molly Johanna Culligan, Associate member Veterans For Peace, Red Wing, Minnesota
- David W. Culver, Veterans For Peace Chapter 27, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Robert Dale, Veterans For Peace, Brunswick, Maine
- Morgen D'Arc, Co-Founder Green Party National Women's Caucus, Portland, Maine
- Todd E. Dennis, Former participant in these war games while on the USS Santa Fe (SSN-763), Madison, Wisconsin
- Fred Dente, Kaua`i Alliance for Peace & Social Justice, Kapa`a, Hawai`I
- Christine A. DeTroy, Women's Int'l League for Peace & Freedom, Brunswick, Maine
- Roger Dittmann, Ph.D., Scientists without Borders, Fullerton, California
- Maud Easter, Women Against War, Delmar, New York
- Linda Eastwood, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Chicago, Illinois
- Amy Echeverria, Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach, Silver Spring, Maryland
- Anne Emerman, Gray Panthers, NYC Network, New York
- Ron Engel, Professor Emeritus, Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Chicago, Illinois
- Margaret Flowers, October2011.org, Baltimore, Maryland
- Jeanne Gallo, North Shore Coalition for Peace and Justice, Gloucester, Massachusetts
- Fernando Garcia, President, OMNI Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology, Fayetteville, Arkansas
- Carol Gilbert & Ardeth Platte, Sacred Earth and Space Plowshares II, Baltimore, Maryland
- Filson H. Glanz, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of NH, Durham, New Hampshire
- Kip Goodwin, Kaua`i Alliance for Peace & Social Justice, Kapaa, Hawaii
- Jeanne Green, CodePink Taos, El Prado, New Mexico
- Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan
- Tom Haller, Chair, Church & Society Ministry of Davis Community Church, Davis California
- Marcia Halligan, Kickapoo Peace Circle, Viroqua, Wisconsin
- Dr. Robert Hanson, Past Chair, Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center, Walnut Creek, California
- Carolyn Harrington, Vassalboro Friends Meeting, Brunswick Maine
- Norma J F Harrison, Central Committee Member, Peace & Freedom Party, Berkeley, California
- David Hartsough, PEACEWORKERS, San Francisco, California
- Sister Valerie Heinonen, o.s.u., Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk for Justice and Peace, New York, New York
- Dud Hendrick, Island Peace & Justice, VFP, Deer Isle, Maine
- Jack Herbert, Metanoia Peace Community & Portland WILPF, Oregon
- Tensie Hernandez, Guadalupe Catholic Worker, Guadalupe, California
- Bob Hoffman, Veterans for Peace, Batesville, Virginia
- Herbert J. Hoffman, Veterans For Peace, Ogunquit, Maine
- Terry Irish, Women Against Military Madness, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Seung-Hee Jeon, Research Associate, Korea Institute, Harvard University, Massachusetts
- Bob & Joy Johnson, Southeastern Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers, Harmony, Minnesota
- Elaine Johnson, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship National Committee Member, Rochester, New York
- Larry Johnson, President, Veterans For Peace Ch. 27, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Leah R. Karpen, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Asheville, North Carolina
- Tarak Kauff, Board member, Veterans For Peace, Woodstock, New York
- Marylia Kelley, Tri-Valley CAREs, Livermore, California
- Larry Kerschner, Veterans For Peace, Washington
- Jodi Kim, Associate Professor, University of California-Riverside
- Charlotte Koons, CODEPINK Long Island, Northport, New York
- Art Laffin, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Washington DC
- Lillia Langreck, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Dan La Vigne, North East Metro Progressives, Shoreview, Minnesota
- Siu Hin Lee, National Coordinator, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, South Pasadena, California
- Roger Leisner, Radio Free Maine, Augusta, Maine
- Rev. John R. Long, First Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, New York
- Tamara Lorincz, Halifax Peace Coalition, Canada
- M. Brinton Lykes, PhD, Center for Human Rights & International Justice, Boston College, Massachusetts
- Peggy Lyons, UU Central Nassau Social Justice Committee & MoveOn Council Nassau County, Long Island, New York
- Jerry Mander, Founder & Distinguished Fellow, International Forum on Globalization,
San Francisco, California
- Alfred L. Marder, President, US Peace Council, New Haven, Connecticut
- Sarah Martin, Women Against Military Madness, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Sherri Maurin, Occupy Be the Change, San Francisco, California
- Natasha Mayers, Union of Maine Visual Artists, Whitefield, Maine
- Joan McCoy, Home for Peace and Justice, Saginaw, Michigan
- David McReynolds, former Chair, War Resisters International, New York, New York
- Bernie Meyer, American Gandhi, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Olympia Washington
- Judy Miner, past director Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice, Madison, Wisconsin
- Betsy Mulligan-Dague, Executive Director, Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, Missoula, Montana
- Ellen Murphy, Veterans for Peace Ch. 111, Bellingham, Washington
- Mira Oaten, Women for Peace and Freedom, Santa Barbara, California
- Ardeshir Ommani, Pres. American Iranian Friendship Committee, Armonk, New York
- Eleanor Ommani, Co-founder, American Iranian Friendship Committee, Armonk, New York
- Loyal C. Park, President Nebraska Peace Foundation, Lincoln, Nebraska
- Dr. Lewis E. Patrie, Western North Carolina Physicians for Social Responsibility, Asheville, N.C.
- Patricia J. Patterson, United Methodist Asia Executive retired, Claremont, California
- Rosalie Tyler Paul, Maine Green Independent Party, Georgetown, Maine
- Suzanne Pearce, Mass. Peace Action, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, The University of California, Berkeley, California
- Georgia Pinkel, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Portland Branch, Oregon
- Rev. Dr. Syngman Rhee, Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, Virginia
- Rosalie Riegle, Author of “Crossing the Line: Nonviolent Resisters Speak out for Peace,” Evanston, Illinois
- Tim Rinne, State Coordinator, Nebraskans for Peace
- Coleen Rowley, Women Against Military Madness, Apple Valley, Minnesota
- Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, Chicago, Illinois
- Carolyn S. Scarr, Program Coordinator Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC, Berkeley, California
- Gladys Schmitz, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Mankato, Minnesota
- Peter Shaw, Veterans For Peace (Korean War Veteran), State College, Pennsylvania
- Martha Shelley, CodePink, Portland, Oregon
- Ruth Sheridan, Alaskans for Peace and Justice, Anchorage, Alaska
- Pete Sirois, Producer of "Maine Social Justice", Madison, Maine
- Jean Sommer, Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament, Cleveland, Ohio
- Phoebe Sorgen, Berkeley Commissioner of Disaster and Fire Safety, California
- John Stewart, Pax Christi Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Florida
- Ann Suellentrop, MSRN, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Kansas City, Kansas
- Bill Sulzman, Citizens for Peace in Space, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- David Swanson, WarIsACrime.org, Charlottesville, Virginia
- Nancy Tate, LEPOCO Peace Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- Ellen Thomas, Proposition One Campaign, Tryon, North Carolina
- Will Thomas, New Hampshire Veterans For Peace, Auburn, New Hampshire
- Sally-Alice Thompson, Veterans For Peace, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Gladys Tiffany, Director, OMNI Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology, Fayetteville, Arkansas
- Will Travers, Lokashakti, New York, New York
- Father Louis Vitale, Order of Friars Minor, Pace e Bene, Oakland, California
- Karen Wainberg, Occupy Maine Bath-Brunswick, Bath, Maine
- Dr. John V. Walsh, Professor of Physiology, UMass Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
- Marguerite Warner, Peace Alliance Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- Dr. Bill Warrick, Veterans For Peace, Gainesville, Florida
- Paki Wieland, Committee to Stop War(s), Western Mass CodePink, Northampton, Massachusetts
- James E Winkler, General Secretary, United Methodist General Board of
Church and Society
- Betty Wolfson, New England Peace Pagoda Community, Florence, Massachusetts
- Renie Wong Lindley, Religious Society of Friends, Haleiwa, North Shore O'ahu, Hawai'I
- Russell Wray, Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats, Hancock, Maine
- Ann Wright, Retired U.S. Army Colonel & Diplomat, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Rosalie Yelen, CODEPINK Long Island, Huntington Station, New York
- Alice Zachmann, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Mankato, Minnesota
- Kevin Zeese, October2011.org, Baltimore, Maryland

Individuals with Organizational/Professional Affiliation (Non-U.S.)

- Dong Sup An, Unified Progressive Party Supreme Council, South Korea
- Lon & Natalia Ball, BioRice 'OOO', Ussurisk, Primorskii Krai, Russian Federation
- André Brochu, Swedish Peace Committee, Malmo, Sweden
- Helen Caldicott, The Helen Caldicott Foundation, Australia
- Sung-Hee Choi, Gangjeong Village International team, Jeju Island, Korea
- Max M. de Mesa, Chairperson, The Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, Philippines
- Denis Doherty, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition, Sydney, Australia
- Atsushi Fujioka, professor of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
- Philip Gilligan, Chair, Greater Manchester Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK
- William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador, Salem-News.com, Bangladesh
- Jill Gough, National Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Cymru (Wales), UK
- Luis Gutierrez-Esparza, President Latin American Circle of International Studies, Barrio San Lucas Coyoacán, México
- Dr. Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK
- John Junkerman, Professor, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
- Lutgardo "Boyette" Jurcales Jr, Coordinator, BAN THE BASES!, Philippines
- Seung Gyo Kim, Unified Progressive Party Supreme Council, South Korea
- Jung Hee Lee, 2012 Presidential candidate, Unified Progressive Party Supreme Council, South Korea
- Dominic Linley, Yorkshire CND, Leeds, UK
- Kuroki Mariko, Cosmopolitan Network, Japan
- Jenny Maxwell, Secretary, Hereford Peace Council, UK
- Byung Ryul Min, Unified Progressive Party Supreme Council, South Korea
- Benjamin Monnet, No war base on Jeju Island, France
- Haruko Moritaki, Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Hiroshima, Japan
- Ichiyo Muto, People’s Plan Study Group, Japan
- Byung Yoon Oh, Unified Progressive Party National Assembly Floor Representative, South Korea
- Hye-Ran Oh, Solidarity for Peace and Reunification in Korea (SPARK), Seoul, Korea
- Dr. Carolina Pagaduan-Araullo, Chairperson, BAYAN-Philippines
- Lindis Percy, Laila Packer, Christine Dean, Anni Rainbow, Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases, Yorkshire, UK
- Dr Tomasz Pierscionek, Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry, Editor of the London Progressive Journal, England
- Regina Pyon, Solidarity for Peace and Reunification in Korea (SPARK), Seoul, Korea
- Dr. Shoji Sawada, Emeritus Professor Nagoya University & Representative Director of - Japan Council against A & H Bombs, Nagoya City, Japan
- Anne Shirley, Mouvement pour la Paix, France
- Harold J. Suderman, Registry of World Citizens-Canada, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Ted Tan, Think Centre, Singapore
- Pierre Villard, Le Mouvement de la Paix, France
- Professor Dave Webb, Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK
- Sun Hee Yo, Unified Progressive Party Supreme Council, South Korea
- Angie Zelter, Trident Ploughshares, UK

- Taro Abe, Aichi, Japan
- Michiko Adachi, Chiba, Japan
- Midori Aizawa, Tokyo, Japan
- Doug Allen, The University of Maine, Orono, Maine
- Glen Anderson, Lacey, Washington
- Hideo Araki, Hyogo, Japan
- Ryushou Araki, Fukuoka, Japan
- Akira Asada, Hyogo, Japan
- Mariko Asada, Ishikawa, Japan
- Masufumi Asada, Ishikawa, Japan
- Norma Athearn, Rockland, Maine
- Rebecca Barker, Los Angeles, California
- Mary Beaudoin, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Ellen Bepp, Oakland, California
- Len & Judy Bjorkman, Owego, New York
- Jacques Boucher, Chambly, Canada
- Sally Breen, Windham, Maine
- Chris Buchanan, Belgrade, Maine
- Paul Busch, St. Paul, Minnesota
- H. J. Camet, Jr., Seattle, Washington
- Connie Canney, Alachua, Florida
- Michael Canney, Alachua, Florida
- Sushila Cherian, Punta Gorda, Florida
- Rev. Catherine Christie, Seoul, South Korea
- Kwangho Che, Kyoto, Japan
- Simone Chun, Boston, Massachusetts
- Amy Chung, Diamond Bar, California
- Theodore Chung, Diamond Bar, California
- Alan Clemence, Charleston, Maine
- Hiemstra Clement & Theodoor Sixtus, Nagasaki, Japan
- Darlene Coffman, Rochester, Minnesota
- Joan Costello, Omaha, Nebraska
- Diana Covell, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
- Paul Cunningham and Jen Joaquin, South Portland, Maine
- Sasha Davis, Hilo, Hawaii
- Ava DeLorenzo, Harpswell, Maine
- James Deutsch, M.D., Ph.D., Toronto, Canada
- Judith Deutsch, M.S.W., Toronto, Canada
- Jacqui Deveneau, Old Orchard Beach, Maine
- David Diamond, Dover, New Hampshire
- Retha Dooley, Sauk Centre, Minnesota
- Shawna Doran, Alachua, Florida
- Miriam Welly Elliott & Mark Lee, Gainesville, Florida
- Janet Essley, White Salmon, Washington
- David Evenhouse, Marcell, Minnesota
- Margaret Fernald, Orland, Maine
- Sandra Frank, Toledo, Ohio
- Mitsuko Fuji, Kyoto, Japan
- Etsuko Fujii, Kyoto, Japan
- Hiromi Fujioka, Fukuoka, Japan
- Kazunari Fujioka, Tokyo, Japan  
- Michiko Fukuda, Phillippines
- Yume Fuse, Tokyo, Japan
- Dennis Gallie, Kansas City, Missouri
- Amber Garlan, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Lydia Garvey, Public Health Nurse, Clinton, Oklahoma
- Michael J. Germain, Apple Valley, Minnesota
- Starr C. Gilmartin, Trenton, Maine
- Kathy Ging, Eugene, Oregon
- Ernest Goitein and Claire Feder, Atherton, California
- Holly Gwinn Graham, Olympia, Washington
- Jean & Joe Gump, Bloomingdale, Michigan
- Tsuneaki Gunjima, Fukuoka, Japan 
- Kohko Hakoda, Tokyo, Japan 
- Kevin and Maggie Hall, Dunedin, Florida
- Nancy & David W. Hall, West Bath, Maine
- Akio Handa, Osaka, Japan
- Carolyn Hannah, Springfield, Oregon
- Amy Harlib, New York, New York
- Yoshimi Hashimoto, Yamaguchi, Japan
- Teruko Hatakeyama,Tokyo, Japan
- Suzanne Hedrick, Noble, Maine
- Tony Henderson, Lantau, Hong Kong
- Robin Hensel, Little Falls Occupy, Minnesota
- Sandy Herndon, Kauai, Hawaii
- Judith E. Hicks, Retired R.N, Public Health Nurse, Howard, Colorado
- Clement T.S. Hiemstra, Japan
- Junko Higuchi, Kanagawa, Japan
- Ryohei Hirayama, Aichi, Japan
- Yoshio Hirose, Chiba, Japan
- Ikuko Hishikawa, Saitama, Japan
- Douglas Hong, Stony Brook, New York
- Mari Hoshikawa, Tokyo, Japan
- Cynthia Howard, Biddeford Pool, Maine
- Vincent Hunter, Dublin, Ireland
- Richard Hutchinson, Kennesaw, Georgia
- Jyoji Ichikawa, Kanagawa, Japan
- Yoshihiro Ikeda, Hyogo, Japan
- Yoshiko Ikuta, Cleveland, Ohio
- Ikuko Inoue, Osaka, Japan
- Yuko Inoue, Fukuoka, Japan
- Michiko Ishige, Tokyo, Japan
- Akemi Ishi-i, Chiba, Japan
- Yasuko Ishikawa, Tokyo, Japan
- Jirou Isogai, Aichi, Japan
- Hideo Itoh, Kanagawa, Japan
- Katsuhisa Itoh, Aichi, Japan
- Yasuhisa Iwakawa, Chiba, Japan
- Yoshio Iwamura, Hyogo, Japan
- Hideo Iwasa, Kyoto, Japan
- Fred Jakobcic, Marquette, Michigan
- Shirley Johnson, Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Fusako Kamiya, Kanagawa, Japan
- Susumu Kanegae, Japan
- Rev. Edwin E. Kang, D.Min, Owego, New York
- Yongchol Kang, Tokyo, Japan
- Yumiko Kato, Tokyo, Japan
- Yu-uko Katsuren, Kumamoto, Japan
- Toyomi Kawada, Tokyo, Japan
- Jumpei Kawakami, Aomori, Japan   
- Akiko Kawano, Saitama, Japan
- Yoko Kawasaki, Oita, Japan
- Miho Kawashima, Osaka, Japan
- Natalie Kempner, Quaker, Woolwich, Maine
- Gene Keyes, Berwick, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Boongang Kim, Tokyo, Japan
- Seong-il Kim, Hyogo, Japan
- Keiko Kise, Kanagawa, Japan - Yoshiyuki Kajiwara, Hyogo, Japan
- Kazuyo Kishimoto, Hokkaido, Japan
- Nobuko Kobayashi, Tokyo, Japan
- Keiji Kondo, Aichi, Japan
- Shigeki Kon-no, Tokyo, Japan
- Maki Kumagai, Tokyo, Japan
- Morio Kumano, Ishikawa, Japan
- Hideaki Kuno, Aichi, Japan
- Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota
- Ariel Ky, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Noriko Kyogoku, Kanagawa, Japan
- John Landgraf, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Sarah Lasenby, Oxford, UK
- Don Lathrop, Canaan, New York
- Judith Lee, Columbus, Ohio
- Alice Leney, Coromandel, New Zealand
- Gerson and Debbie Lesser, Bronx, New York
- Paul Liem, Berkeley, California
- Lee Loe, Houston, Texas
- Mike Madden, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Margaret Maier, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Polly Mann, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- David Marcial, Tampa, Florida
- Sasaki Masaaki, Tokyo, Japan
- Yumiko Mashino, Tokyo, Japan
- Hiromitus Masuda, Chiba, Japan
- Miyako Masuda, Chiba, Japan
- Toshimi Masuda, Shizuoka, Japan
- Ronald P. Matonti, Medford, New York
- Hiroshi Matsubara, Kanagawa, Japan
- Natsuko Matsuda, Tokyo, Japan
- Yasuaki Matsumoto, Hokkaido, Japan
- Noriyuki Matsumura, Osaka, Japan
- Takashi Matsunami, Osaka, Japan
- Kazuko Matsuo, Osaka, Japan
- Tsutomu Matsuo, Tokyo, Japan
- Junko Matsu-ura, Tokyo, Japan
- Tsuyoshi Matsu-ura, Kanagawa, Japan
- Celeste McCollough Howard, Hillsboro, Oregon
- Richard McDonald, Silver City, New Mexico
- Betty McElhill, Tucson, Arizona
- Roberta Medford, Montrose, California
- Jane Milliken, Riverside, Connecticut
- Atsuko Minemoto, Shiga, Japan
- Tadao Miura, Hokkaido, Japan
- Yukari Miura, Hokkaido, Japan
- Totu Miyahara, Hiroshima, Japan
- Yuki-ichiro Miyakawa, Tokyo, Japan
- Sergio Monteiro, Los Angeles, California
- Yoshio Motono, Kanagawa, Japan
- Hiroshi Murakawa, Yamaguchi, Japan
- Katherine Muzik, Kauai, Hawaii
- Marie Nagajima, Kanagawa, Japan
- Miyoko Nagase, Aichi, Japan
- Kazuo Nagayoshi, Kumamoto, Japan  
- Diane Nahas, Sands Point, New York
- Shoji Nakamura, Kagawa, Japan
- Ayako Nakanishi, Kanagawa, Japan  
- Nakayama, Tokushima, Japan
- Dale Nesbitt, Berkeley, California
- Joan Nicholson, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
- Yayoi Ni-i, Chiba, Japan
- Jun-ichi Nishigata, Kanagawa, Japan
- Noriaki Nishio, Saitama, Japan
- Takako Nobuhara, Osaka, Japan  
- Mineo Noda, Tokyo, Japan
- Chieko Noguchi, Fukuoka, Japan
- Tim Nolan, Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Osami Nomura, Tokyo, Japan
- Tamio Nomura, Nagano, Japan
- James M Nordlund, Fargo, North Dakota
- Hiroshi Obara, Chiba, Japan
- Taisaku Obata, Yamaguchi, Japan
- Terumi Ogasa, Osaka, Japan
- George and Dorothy Ogle, Lafayette, Colorado
- Shinji Ohashi, Shizuoka, Japan
- Yoko Oh-hara, Oita, Japan
- Saki Ohkawara, Kanagawa, Japan
- Kyoko Ohno, Ehime, Japan
- Mitsumasa Ohta, Chiba, Japan
- Yoshiko Okada, Tokyo, Japan  
- Jon Olsen, Jefferson, Maine
- Sisters Kay O'Neil & Michelle Meyers, LeSueur, Minnesota
- Yozo Ouchi, Tokyo, Japan
- Penny Oyama, Burnaby, B. C., Canada
- Kuniko Ozawa, Tokyo, Japan
- Robert Palmer, Rosemount, Minnesota
- Chong Fa Pak, Kanagawa, Japan
- Namin Pak, Saitama, Japan
- Hye-Jung Park, La Paz, Bolivia
- Jan Passion, Dunedin, New Zealand
- SooJin Pate, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Jewel Payne, Davis, California
- Tina Phillips, Brunswick, Maine
- Cecile Pineda, Berkeley, California
- Sheena Poole, Worthing, Sussex, UK
- Jerry Provencher, Bath, Maine
- Carol Reilley Urner, Whittier, California
- Bev Rice, New York, New York
- Don Richardson, Brevard, North Carolina
- Anne Richter, Clearwater, Florida
- Tom Rissi, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Christine Roane, Springfield, Massachusetts
- William J. Rood, Rochester, Minnesota
- Buffy Sainte-Marie, Kauai, Hawaii
- Chiho Saito, Kanagawa, Japan
- Yumiko Saitoh, Tokyo, Japan
- Toshimasa Sakakura, Chiba, Japan 
- Isao Sakamoto, Tokyo, Japan
- Daiko Sakurai, Tokyo, Japan
- Jane Sanford, Belfast, Maine
- Akiko Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Makiko Sato, Oita, Japan
- Meiko Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Shin Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Shingo Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Syuichi Sato, Hiroshima, Japan
- Tamio Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Tatsuo Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Yoko Sato, Tokyo, Japan
- Donald Saunders, North Wales, UK
- Lisa Savage, Solon, Maine
- Michael Sergent, Wollongong NSW, Australia
- Will Shapira, Roseville, Minnesota
- Keiko Shibukawa, Tokyo, Japan
- Makoto Shindoh, Kagawa, Japan
- Miki Shinjo, Hyogo, Japan
- Lynn Shoemaker, Whitewater, Wisconsin
- Dante C. Simbulan, Ph.D., Retired Professor & Human Rights Activist, Burke, Virginia
- Greg & Sue Skog, Eagan, Minnesota
- Alice Slater, New York, New York
- Marcia Slatkin, Shoreham, New York
- David Smith, Belfast, Maine
- Joyce Smith, Tucson, Arizona
- Miki Soko, Kyoto, Japan
- Mark Solomon, West Newton, Massachusetts
- Stephanie Son, Livermore, California
- Han Hee Song, New York, New York
- John Spira, Australia
- Bill Stansbery, Ellensburg, Washington
- Paul Stein, Ph.D. Analytical Psychologist, New York, New York
- Minoru Suda, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
- Toru Suenaga, Saitama, Japan
- Koji Sugihara, Tokyo, Japan
- Mary Beth Sullivan, Social Worker, Bath, Maine
- Helen Sunkenberg, Huletts Landing, New York
- Hideo Suzuki, Tokyo, Japan
- Ronald and Caterina Swanson-Bosch, RN, MPH, Mt Snow, Vermont
- Hirokazu Taba, Tokyo, Japan
- Sachiko Taba, Tokyo, Japan
- Masako Tahira, Kyoto, Japan
- JT Takagi, New York, New York
- Hidenori Takahashi, Hyogo, Japan
- Toshio Takahashi, Okinawa, Japan
- Sei-ichi Takamoto, Japan
- Mariko Takeuchi, Saitama, Japan
- Fumio Tamada, Tochigi, Japan
- Kazue Tanaka, Chiba, Japan
- Keiko Tanaka, Chiba, Japan
- Mutsumi Tanaka, Okinawa, Japan
- Naoko Tanaka, Osaka, Japan
- Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Tokyo, Japan
- Kyoko Tawara, Kumamoto, Japan
- Akiko Terasaki, Saitama, Japan
- Terao Terumi, Yashio, Saitama, Japan
- Carol Thomas, Alachua, Florida
- Melinda Thompson, Silver Spring, Maryland
- Mel Thoresen, Deer River, Minnesota
- Ryu-ichi Tohno, Chiba, Japan
- Tamaki Tokuyama, Kyoto, Japan
- Tani Toshio, Saitama, Japan
- Koichi Toyoshima, Fukuoka, Japan
- Koichiro Toyoshima, Osaka, Japan
- Helen Travis, Denver, Colorado
- Sachiyo Tsukamoto, Saitama, Japan
- Etsuko Umeda, Kanagawa, Japan
- Tadahiro Umeda, Osaka, Japan
- Yoko Umeda, Osaka, Japan
- Heidi Uppgaard, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Etsuko Urashima, Okinawa, Japan
- Nikohl Vandel, Palm Springs, California
- Rich Van Dellen, Rochester, Minnesota
- Harry van der Linden, Indianapolis, Indiana
- Wil Van Natta, Riviera Beach, Florida
- Susan V. Walker, Lake Arrowhead, California
- Beverley Walter, Riverside, Illinois
- Janice Ward, Marcell, Minnesota
- Toyo Washio, Germany
- Katsuo Watanabe, Chiba, Japan
- S. Brian Willson, author/activist, Portland, Oregon
- Peter Woodruff, Arrowsic, Maine
- Ryuji Yagi, Kanagawa, Japan
- Keiko Yamada, Tokyo, Japan
- Michiko Yamada, Hyogo, Japan
- Chiharu Yamaguchi, Chiba, Japan
- Yoko Yamaguchi, Okinawa, Japan
- Mihagi Yamamoto, Aichi, Japan
- Kazuko Yamano, Yamagata, Japan
- Setsuko Yasuda, Kanagawa, Japan
- Yukio Yokohara, Hiroshima, Japan
- Kisuk Yom, New York, New York
- Hiroko Yoneyama, Ghana
- Kil Sang Yoon, Claremont, California
- Hitosada Yoshitake, Kyoto, Japan
- Akiko Yoshizawa, Osaka, Japan
- Kiyoharu Yoshizawa, Kanagawa, Japan
- Yoko Yoshizawa, Kanagawa, Japan
- Masamichi Yumiyama, Ehime, Japan



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