미군함의 첨단시스템을 멈추게한 수호이 > 통일게시판

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미군함의 첨단시스템을 멈추게한 수호이

페이지 정보

작성자 강산
댓글 1건 조회 1,691회 작성일 16-04-10 10:51


미국의 해군 무력이 덩치는 러시아와 중국보다 열 배는 더 클 수도 있어 약한 나라들을 공격할 수는 있지만  실전에서 강한 나라에 대해서는 위협적이지 못하다고 합니다.

아래 공유한 링크의 전체 기사 가운데 후반부인 다음의 기사는 아주 놀라운 사실을 보여주고 있습니다.  러시아와 크리미아가 합방한 것에 대한 무력시위로 미국의 군함이 흑해로 진입하였는데 그 군함은 Aeges System 을 완벽하게 갖췄었다고 합니다.  

그 시스템은 접근하는 적을 알아차려서 파악하고 여러 목표물을 모두 타격하여 파괴할 수 있는 시스템입니다.  50여 방공미사일도 갖춘 군함이었습니다.  

그때 러시아의 무장하지 않은 SU-24 수호이 한 대가 나타나자 미 군함 도널드쿡호의 모든 첨단장비들은 작동을 멈춰버렸다고 합니다.  이것은 예를 들면 티비를 보는데 누가 리모트 컨트롤을 눌러서 티비를 꺼버리는 것과 같은 현상이었습니다.  게다가 수호이는 낮은 고도에서 목표물을 향하여 미사일 12발을 발사하는 연습까지 하고는 유유히 사라진 것입니다.  혼쭐이 난 도널드쿡 호는 즉각 최고속도로 로매니아의 항구로 도망을 갔고, 충격을 받았던 27명의 군인들이 제대를 요청하였다고 합니다. 

아래 링크에서 원문을 볼 수 있으며 후반부는 여기 그대로 복사해왔습니다.


For those readers who unfortunately missed the story, here it is: At the beginning of April last year the Americans sent the USS Donald Cook into the Black Sea, with the permission of Turkey, to protest against the Russian annexation of Crimea and to demonstrate their military strength. The destroyer was equipped with the most advanced Aegis Combat System, a naval weapons systems which ensures the detection, tracking and destruction of multiple targets at the same time. In addition, the USS Donald Cook is equipped with four large radars, whose power is comparable to that of several stations. For protection, it carries more than 50 anti-aircraft missiles of various types.

According to the “Montreux Convention,” non-Black Sea state warships are permitted to stay in the Black Sea for no longer than 21 days. The Americans, of course, ignored this rule, and Russia responded by sending an SU-24. The Sukhoi was unarmed but equipped with the latest electronic warfare device, called Khibiny.

When the SU-24 approached the destroyer, all radar and control systems, information transfers, etc., of the USS Donald Cook were suddenly paralyzed by Khibiny. In other words, the seemingly superior Aegis system was completely off — like when you turn off your TV with the remote control.

Subsequently, the Sukhoi simulated 12 missile attacks at low altitude on the virtually blind and deaf USS Donald Cook, and we can imagine that the two SU-24 aircraft pilots had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, at this time there was neither John McCain nor NATO Commander Phillip Breedlove on board the ship — they would certainly have received some long-lasting impressions from this demonstration.

After this incident, the USS Donald Cook chose to immediately and at full speed move towards a port in Romania, where 27 shocked crew members asked for dismissal from the service.

This story shows us that Americans still overestimate the capabilities of their armed forces and do not realize (or do not want to admit) that Russia’s military technology is in many areas superior and has an advantage that cannot be offset quickly.

So, as long as a single Russian fighter jet can turn off a complete U.S. warship with the latest warning and fire control systems by just pushing a button, the answer to the question “How long would the U.S. Navy survive?” today is the same as in the old Cold War days.



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