Trump 가 오늘까지 서명한 행정명-Jan. 24, 17 > 통일게시판

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Trump 가 오늘까지 서명한 행정명-Jan. 24, 17

페이지 정보

작성자 김킹
댓글 1건 조회 6,041회 작성일 17-01-24 21:16


트럼프의 성향에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해

Trump 가 오늘까지 서명한 행정명령

1. ACA rollback. Mr. Trump has allowed all agency heads to waive requirements of the Affordable Care Act to the “maximum extent permitted by law.”

오바마케어 폐기하는 것

2. Regulation freeze. The president has frozen all regulations now in process (but not approved) until they are approved by him or an agency after he took office. This means any regulation signed by former President Barack Obama in his final weeks in office — including some that deal with energy efficiency standards — are on hold until they’re reviewed by Trump’s administration.

오바마가 집권 마지막 주에 서명한 규칙 중 승인되지 않은 모든 것을 동결시키는 것

3. Abortion. President Trump has ordered that federal dollars cannot go to organizations that provide abortion services.

낙태시술하는 곳에 대한 연방 보조금 지급 중단

4. TPP. This memorandum withdraws the United States from all Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and from signing the trade deal.

TPP 탈퇴

5. Federal hiring freeze. The president has told agencies they cannot fill any vacant positions nor open new ones, with two exceptions: military personnel and critical public safety positions.

군인과 대중 안전에 꼭 필요한 인원을 제외하곤

연방정부 인력의 충원과 증원 동결

6 + 7. Allowing  Keystone  and  Dakota  Access  Pipelines. We are still awaiting details on the language and scope of this action, but President Trump told reporters his actions today make construction of the controversial pipelines easier.

노쓰 다코타 주로부터 아이오와주를 거쳐 일리노이즈로의 송유관인 다코타 파이프 라인 1172 마일의 공사를 허가

8. Pipelines must hire American. As above, we are waiting to see specifics, but the president told reporters his action requires that pipelines be built by American workers.

#7. 의 송유관 공사에 미국 시민만을 고용할 것

9. Expediting permits for infrastructure. Again, we don’t have specifics yet. But this action seems aimed at making high-priority infrastructure get through permitting procedures more quickly.

사회기간 시설의 허가절차를 신속하게 할 것

10. Speeding up environmental review/regulation. The White House has not yet posted the language of this action, which the White House says is aimed at expediting the environmental review process for some projects.

환경 영향 평가 절차를 신속하게 할 것 

11. President Donald Trump is set to ban entry to the U.S. of people from countries deemed to pose a national security threat (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya) and to suspend the U.S. refugee program, people familiar with the planning said.

국가 안보에 위험이 된다 판단되는 지역의 국민들이 미국으로 입국하는 것을 금지한며 이들 국가는 이랔-이란-시리아-예멘-소말리아-수단-리비야 등이다



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